Words and phrases for free time and hobbies in Spanish

Do you want to expand your vocabulary in Spanish related to free time and hobbies? In this article, We will explore words and phrases that will help you express yourself fluently when talking about your leisure activities in Spanish. Whether you enjoy outdoor activities or prefer to stay home, Here you will find a list of useful words and expressions to talk about your favorite hobbies!

  1. Words and phrases related to outdoor activities
  2. Words and phrases related to indoor activities
  3. Common expressions used to talk about hobbies
  4. Vocabulary related to planning free time
  5. Conclusion and summary
  6. Related questions

Words and phrases related to outdoor activities

If you love spending time outdoors, Here are some words and phrases that will be useful to describe your activities:

  • Hiking: Enjoy walking through nature and exploring new trails.
  • Play football: Have fun participating in soccer games with friends.
  • Bicycling: Explore the city or countryside by bike.
  • Get out of camping: Spend the night outdoors, sleeping in tents.
  • Nadar: Cool off and exercise in the pool or on the beach.
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Words and phrases related to indoor activities

If you enjoy spending time indoors, either reading or watching movies, Here are some words and phrases that you can use:

  • File: Immerse yourself in a good read, whether it's a fiction book or a newspaper.
  • Watch movies: Enjoy movies at the cinema or at home.
  • Crafts: Have fun creating craft projects like painting, knit or make jewelry.
  • Cook: Explore new recipes and enjoy cooking.
  • Playing video games: Have fun playing electronic games.

Common expressions used to talk about hobbies

In addition to hobby-specific words, There are common expressions that will allow you to talk about your preferences and interests in your free time.. Here are some of them:

  • I like to play chess: Express your liking for a particular activity, how to play chess.
  • I enjoy painting: Express the pleasure you get from dedicating yourself to painting.
  • I am a fan of cinema: Indicate that you are passionate about cinema and enjoy watching movies.
  • I love listening to music: Express your love for music and how you enjoy this activity.
  • I am interested in learning to dance: Express your desire to learn something new, how to dance.
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Vocabulary related to planning free time

If you like to plan your leisure activities, Here are some words related to the organization of free time:

  • Agenda: A book or app where you can write down your activities and commitments.
  • Program: Organize your activities according to an established schedule.
  • Make plans: Decide what to do in your free time and organize accordingly.
  • Reserve: Make a reservation or appointment for a particular event or activity.
  • Watch: Go to an event or participate in a planned activity.

Conclusion and summary

This article has presented words and phrases related to free time and hobbies in Spanish. We have explored vocabulary for outdoor activities, indoor activities, common expressions related to hobbies and vocabulary related to planning free time. Now it's your turn to practice these words and phrases in your daily conversations and enjoy your leisure activities in Spanish!!

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Related questions

1. What are your favorite outdoor activities?

2. What hobbies would you like to learn in the future??

3. How do you plan your free time?

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